What Is Waist Training?
Waist training started in the Victorian times. It's a gradual process of waist reduction using a latex waist cincher or corset.
The aim of waist training is to try and make the area between the hips and the ribcage smaller by working the front and lower abdominals and obliques. The idea is to strengthen these muscles to create a flatter tummy and more defined waist.
There are two types of corsets: the first is to aid strength and if often worn post-pregnancy or by people who have back problems. The second is used during workouts to increase body temperature, causing you to sweat more and burn extra fat. The types we sell are a mixture of the two; they aid workouts and at the same time improve core stability by providing extra support.
Waist training requires dedication and devotion. Waist training is not something that will just happen by occasionally wearing your waist cincher. It will take time so be patient. But, just know the waist cincher is a tool get your waist tight. You still need to workout, eat right, and drink plenty of water.